Modality | Development |
Technologies | CSS, HTML, Moodle, MySQL, PHP, Shell Script |
Platforms | Batch, Web |
Roles | Developer, IT Architect |
Period | 2006 |
Customer | Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) |
On that occasion, I had the opportunity to be selected for the Distance Education Nucleus (NEAD/UFJF), currently called CEAD. This nucleus was responsible for implementing the first distance learning courses at the UFJF. This initiative was part of the Open University of Brazil (UAB) program, responsible for promoting distance graduate education throughout the country.
My contribution to this team was to take care of the installation and configuration of the Moodle environment with a lot of robustness for more than 2000 students who entered that first semester.
Due to the number of new entrants, several activities needed to be automated, from the registration of these students in Moodle, including the generation of password registration of these students in other university systems, to the generation of a personalized welcome letter that was distributed to each one of these students.
Although it was a short period, at the same time, it was also a very rewarding experience of being able to implement a system that contributed to the social transformation of thousands of people. I am grateful for this opportunity to Prof. Mauricio Leonardo Aguilar Molina and Prof. Jose Antonio Aravena Reyes.