Access and Collaboration Network (RAC) at SERPRO

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This project was idealized by Mr. Ednylton Franzosi, an illustrious coordinator of our team, for years, and we were happy to have him as the leader.SERPRO has since 1964 been a vital public company for the Brazilian Federal Government, especially in the country’s structuring of information systems. Due to this strategy and the importance of …

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Brazilian National Open Data Portal at SERPRO

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During the years 2012 to 2013, I participated in developing and implementing the Brazilian National Open Data Portal. This project was developed in partnership with the National Open Data Infrastructure (INDA) team of the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management (MPOG) of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The portal was developed using a layered architecture …

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DadosGov at SERPRO

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After approximately 6 months working at SERPRO, I was transferred to an area that urgently demanded strategic interest from the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil. The problem at the time was the balance of accounts of President Lula’s government, which was ending his second term at that time. At that time, several reports on …

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Integrated solution for recording, projecting and broadcasting live events at IMI

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Here is some information about consulting services for the design, development, acquisition, implementation, training and support of communication and multimedia solutions for live events (live broadcast). 1) Integrated solution for recording, projecting and broadcasting live events In this module, consultancy is offered for the elaboration of a project for capture, recording, cutting, character generation and …

Integrated solution for recording, projecting and broadcasting live events at IMI Read More »