MaDRe at Midiacom/UFF

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During my time at Midiacom, I had the excellent opportunity to work on challenging projects and interact with incredible people.

The first project that I got involved in Midiacom was with MaDRe (Better Network Performance) and is focused on developing mechanisms that maximize the use of connectivity resources available in schools, through advanced caching techniques and link optimization. The project will also develop mechanisms to audit the quality of links offered to schools.

This was a Research and Development (R&D) project, financed by the National Research Network (RNP), where we were responsible for testing technologies that could be applied in monitoring and improving links in schools. In this opportunity we tested Squid among other proxies, and also some utilities for active and passive monitoring of link quality.

Within the scope of this project, I had the opportunity to travel to the municipality of São João da Ponta, in the state of Pará, where we were able to assess in loco the conditions of riverside community schools to receive the wireless network assets of the One Laptop government programs Per Chrildren (OLPC) and One Computer Per Student Networks (RUCA).

I am particularly grateful for this opportunity to Prof. Célio Vinicius Neves de Albuquerque, Prof. Diego Gimenez Passos, and Prof. Ricardo Campanha Carrano.